He Thinks His Wife Needs To Do More Around The House Then Take Care Of The Baby. Is He Right? 您所在的位置:网站首页 pretty much He Thinks His Wife Needs To Do More Around The House Then Take Care Of The Baby. Is He Right?

He Thinks His Wife Needs To Do More Around The House Then Take Care Of The Baby. Is He Right?

2023-03-13 11:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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A man posted in the AITA (am I the as*hole) subreddit looking for feedback on whether he would be the as*hole for thinking his wife needs to do more around the house than just take care of their baby.

Before Baby

The OP (original poster) gave more context, adding that he and his wife are in their mid-thirties and used to split the housework prior to becoming parents and would also share in the care of their dogs.

He continued that after his wife became pregnant more of the household responsibilities began to fall on him, which he was fine with as it was no longer as easy for her to move around, and he didn’t want her exposed to the cleaning chemicals, yet they still walked the dogs together.

After Baby

He added that he works from home four out of five days per week and puts in eight to nine hour work days. He is frustrated because while his wife is on maternity leave he is still working full-time, and while his mother-in-law was staying with them to help, they are now on their own.

The OP says he helps his wife with the baby as much as he can during his workday and has taken over the majority of responsibilities for the care of the dogs. He is also handling almost all of the cooking, dishes, and preparing the baby’s bottles for the following day each night. He said he also take son 50% of the baby duties on the weekends, and he is beginning to feel burnt out.

His wife is not nursing the baby, and he thinks she should be doing more around the house than just taking care of the baby.

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The Feedback

Not surprisingly, this thread drew a lot of passionate opinions from Redditors, with most voting that, yes, he was the as*hole in this scenario.

One user said, “I love how he acts like the baby eats, sleeps, and poops, as if baby never cries, never needs to be held skin to skin for extended periods for comfort. This also insinuates mom is simply a baby vending machine who has no physical or emotional recovery needs after birth. OP – your wife is going through a lot. She’s not on a lazy vacation, she is healing and needs rest and time. At the same time she’s recovering from birth (which most countries outside of the US agrees takes approximately 6 months) she’s taking care of a demanding new life. Calm down, don’t wait for her to ask you to do things, and be a dad.”

Another adds, “I love him saying he helps his wife with the baby when she needs it. You’re parenting. You are parenting your own child. Bravo. He’s TA and he’s in for a rude awakening.”

Some people thought he ITA (is the as*hole) simply from the title of his post, “YTA Just for the title Here we go..

is pretty much a “stay at home mom” since all she’s doing is just taking care of the baby;

“JUST taking care” like if it was THAT easy, lol

she’s not pulling her weight around the house other than taking care of the baby and I still help her with the baby too

I still help her🙄🙄 man; that’s your job as a DAD. Parenting, not helping!”

A Twist

Yet, another user commented to add an important detail the OP seemingly forgot to include in his post, “Popping on to add (because he conveniently left this bit out) : his wife had a C section as well! She’s not just dealing with hormones, exhaustion, her changing body, and the mental drain of new motherhood… she’s literally trying to recover from a major operation.”

The fact that his wife is also recovering from a C-section definitely changes things a bit, do you agree? Do you think the OP is right in thinking his wife isn’t pulling her weight around the house?

This article was produced and syndicated by Cents + Purpose. This article is inspired by this thread and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Cents +Purpose.

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